Development of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency in the State of Pennsylvania

21 May 2023

Discover the state of Pennsylvania and its development of blockchain, cryptocurrency and crypto ATMs network.

General Informations

The state of Pennsylvania is a region with immense economic, population, and cultural potential. It is home to three of the largest cities in the United States by population, namely Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Allentown. These cities are the most economically developed in the state, with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of $67,867. Meanwhile, the state's overall economic indicators have increased slightly in recent years, with the state's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at $822.0 billion in 2019, and the GDP per capita at $53,283.

Population, national and cultural structure

When it comes to population, the state's population stood at 12,801,989 in 2019, with a median age of 40.2 years. Additionally, the population is highly educated, with over 30.8% of adults aged 25 and older holding at least a bachelor's degree. The state also has a culturally diverse population, with 86.7% of the population identifying as White, 8.3% as Black or African American, 3.0% as Asian, 0.5% as Native American, and 0.6% as other races.

State Economy and High Tech

Pennsylvania is also a leader in the high-tech and financial technology sectors. IT and digital media are among the fastest-growing sectors in the state, with the industry employing over 253,000 people. The state is also home to two of the largest financial technology companies in the world, namely FIS and FIS Global. Additionally, the state's venture capital investments have grown by over 200% in the last five years.

Blockchain and cryptocurrency

When it comes to blockchain and cryptocurrency, Pennsylvania is one of the most progressive states in the US. The state has been actively involved in the development of blockchain technology and has encouraged the development of cryptocurrency businesses. Additionally, the state has established the Pennsylvania Blockchain Alliance, which works to promote the adoption of blockchain technology in the state.

Information about the Crypto ATM network in Pennsylvania

The state of Pennsylvania also has an extensive network of crypto ATMs. The first crypto ATM was installed in the city of Pittsburgh in 2017, and it was operated by a company called LibertyX. The company operated the ATM for some time before ceasing operations in 2020. The ATM was capable of processing Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum.

Currently, the most common brands of crypto ATMs in Pennsylvania are Genesis Coin, General Bytes, and Lamassu. These ATMs are generally convenient, robust, and cost-effective. The cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Allentown have the most crypto ATMs, with each city having more than 10 ATMs. In 2020, there were over 100 crypto ATMs in the state, and this number has grown to over 500 in 2021.

In terms of the growth dynamics of the crypto ATM network in Pennsylvania, the number of ATMs in the state has grown significantly over the last five years. The cities of Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Allentown have seen the most growth in the number of crypto ATMs, with each city having more than 200 ATMs in 2021. The most commonly processed coins at crypto ATMs in Pennsylvania are Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Dash.

Looking ahead, the development of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and the network of crypto ATM stations in the state of Pennsylvania will likely continue to grow. As more people become educated about the benefits of cryptocurrencies and the technology behind them, the state will likely continue to show strong growth in the sector.


In conclusion, the state of Pennsylvania has a lot of potential when it comes to blockchain, cryptocurrency, and the network of crypto ATM stations. The state's population, economic indicators, and cultural structure make it an ideal environment for the development and adoption of cryptocurrencies. Additionally, the state has seen significant growth in the number of crypto ATMs in the last five years, and this trend is expected to continue in the coming years

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