Examining the Growth of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain in South Carolina

24 May 2023

South Carolina is a state in the United States known for its innovative and entrepreneurial spirit. In this article, we investigate the growth of the crypto ATM network in South Carolina, and examine the benefits of using crypto ATMs within the state.

General Informations

South Carolina is a state in the United States located in the southeastern region of the country. It is known for its coastal cities, tourism industry, and diverse population. The state is home to over five million people, and its capital is Columbia. South Carolina has also seen a significant amount of economic development over the past few decades, and is now home to a thriving tech industry. In this article, we explore the population, economy, and technology of South Carolina, and investigate the development of the crypto ATM network in the state.

Population, national and cultural structure

In terms of population, South Carolina is a fairly diverse state. According to the 2018 US Census, the racial makeup of the state is as follows: 65.5% White, 27.7% African American, 4.8% Hispanic or Latino, 1.7% Asian, 0.4% Native American, and 0.1% Pacific Islander. In terms of education level, South Carolina ranks slightly below the national average. According to the 2018 US Census, the educational attainment of South Carolina residents is as follows: 83.5% with a high school degree, 28.3% with a bachelor's degree or higher, and 7.3% with a graduate or professional degree.

State Economy and High Tech

In terms of economy, South Carolina has seen significant growth over the past decade. The state has a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $208.1 billion, and a Per Capita Personal Income (PCPI) of $37,886. South Carolina is also known for its tech sector, and is home to many large companies such as Boeing, Honda, and BMW. The state is also home to a thriving startup scene, and is quickly becoming a hub for FinTech and HighTech businesses.

Blockchain and cryptocurrency

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies have also seen a surge in popularity in South Carolina in recent years. The state has become home to many crypto startups and businesses, and is now a hub for blockchain innovation. South Carolina is also home to several cryptocurrency exchanges, and is quickly becoming a hub for crypto trading. The state has also seen a surge in crypto ATMs in recent years, and now has a robust network of crypto ATMs located throughout the state.

Information about the Crypto ATM network in South Carolina

The first crypto ATM in South Carolina was installed in 2018 by the company Coinsource. The ATM is located in the city of Charleston, and is one of the oldest crypto ATMs in the state. The ATM is still operational, and supports a variety of cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

The most common brands of crypto ATMs in South Carolina are Coinsource, Lamassu, and Genesis Coin. Coinsource is the largest crypto ATM provider in the state, and is known for its low fees and easy-to-use interface. Lamassu is also a popular brand, and is known for its robust hardware and security features. Genesis Coin is known for its innovative technology, and is becoming increasingly popular in South Carolina.

The cities of Charleston, Columbia, and Myrtle Beach have the most crypto ATMs in South Carolina. Charleston has the largest number of crypto ATMs with over 40, and is home to the first crypto ATM in the state. Columbia has over 30 crypto ATMs, and Myrtle Beach has over 20. The population of these cities is 1,136,889, 133,451, and 31,099 respectively. This translates to a crypto ATM per person ratio of 0.0354, 0.2271, and 0.6519 respectively.

In 2020, there were over 100 crypto ATMs in South Carolina, and the cities of Charleston, Columbia, and Myrtle Beach saw the most growth. In 2021, the state saw a significant increase in the number of crypto ATMs, and there are now over 150 crypto ATMs in the state. The cities of Greenville, Rock Hill, and Spartanburg saw the most growth in 2021. In 2022, there are over 200 crypto ATMs in South Carolina, and the cities of Greenville, Rock Hill, and Spartanburg have seen the most growth.

The growth of crypto ATMs in South Carolina has been steady over the past five years, with an average increase of around 20% per year. The most commonly supported coins at crypto ATMs in South Carolina are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash.


In conclusion, the crypto ATM network in South Carolina has seen significant growth over the past five years. The state is now home to over 200 crypto ATMs, and the cities of Charleston, Columbia, and Myrtle Beach have the most crypto ATMs per person. The most commonly supported coins at crypto ATMs in South Carolina are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash. Finally, the development of the crypto ATM network in South Carolina has been beneficial for both businesses and consumers, and has contributed to the growth of the state’s economy and technology sector.

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Authors and Editors

Scott Smith
Company Founder
Scott Smith is an investor, personal finance writer. Scott has worked in the finance and investing industry for for over ten years.